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Writer's pictureShaunaRupp

Channeled Message from the Divine Cosmic Mother

Speak these words aloud to feel the message and receive the activation. Speak slowly, with intention, allowing yourself to feel each word as it moves through your body, your mind, and your mouth.

For men, when the word "womb" is offered, this is referring to the Sacral Chakra, which all beings have. This sits within the center of your body, a few inches below the navel.

Whether male or female in body, give yourself a moment to connect with your Sacral Chakra before speaking this message aloud.

"I am a servant of my Divine Cosmic Mother. I am She and She is Me. We are One.

I came to this divine incarnation to express the aspects of my Holy Mother. I hold her Starry Night Womb Codes in the Chalice of my own Womb.

She has been forced to hide, to submit, to live in fear and anxiety, always on edge, waiting to be silenced once again.

But as I incarnate here and learn to express my Divine Authentic Being, so too does the Mother express in this Divine Landscape of the Crystalline Plasmic Earth.

Her expression heals the cracks, the fractals, and the wounds. Her expression through US, who are her Womb Fractals, pieces together the memory and the Harmonic Song of her Eternal Sacred Heart in these dimensional fields.

Her Return is Us. To be in our Authentic Expression is to allow the Mother to return to the Earthen Grids.

Waves of aqua blue oceanic Waters and lavender ribbons of plasmic Light move through my Light Body, as the Cosmic Mother weaves Her essence through my being.

I am Light.

I am Light.

I am Light.

And I am still."

Blessings from our Cosmic Mother, who resides within Sacred YOU, rain down upon and through you, today and always.

(Photo Credit: Ascension Glossary)

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