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Channeled Message: Releasing Anger... Consciousness Evolution

Writer's picture: ShaunaRuppShaunaRupp

Releasing anger frees all parties involved into consciousness evolution.

"There are those who have incarnated at this time, and have been incarnating for some time, whose entire purpose is to trigger. They are of a lesser-evolved soul signature. They are part of a greater collective consciousness. They do not have an individual soul of their own as you would call it. It is a projection of consciousness rather than an incarnated soul, as you know it. If one is receiving this, listening to this, you are not this.

This applies to those that you will come across on your journey, on your path, and they will trigger you into a deeper understanding of who you are, an understanding of your nature as a soul, as consciousness, inhabiting a body.

These others have projected their consciousness in an effort to release and remove the blockages of perception that keep you from perceiving your divine eternal nature.

And so it is imperative that we do not harbor hatred, frustration, anger in our bodies in response to the triggering from these ones whose entire purpose is to trigger - as this truly only hurts the one holding the anger.

The soul or soul consciousness that inhabits the individual who is doing the triggering does not have the evolved consciousness to understand their actions. They are operational only. In simplified terms, we could consider this to be a "worker" consciousness.

And it is divine, as it has divine purpose of triggering the memory of the ones who are on the receiving end of the behavior of the one who triggers, and so there is not an evilness to that consciousness. There is not a negativity.

It is all in the divine unfoldment, the divine plan, which is to remind you, the one who receives from the trigger, that you are eternal, that you are divine, and that all things are in right order.

And the reminder is again do not hold anger, frustration, low frequency vibratory emotions in your body as this goes against the divine plan, which is in part being triggered and unfolded by the lesser-evolved consciousness inhabiting the one who is doing the triggering.

It goes against the plan to hold anger, frustration, rage in the body, in the heart. It would be advised that when there is a time that anger, frustration, or rage is in the body in response to a triggering event from one of these lesser-evolved consciousness entities, that the one who is triggered, who is feeling the lower frequency emotions in their body, would take the time to investigate these emotions, to investigate what lies beneath them.

It is the flag waving, so to speak, in order to find the deeper seed, the deeper reversal, the deeper entanglement, which the anger and frustration and rage are pointing to.

This allows not only the one who is doing this investigating to become free, but it also allows the lesser-evolved consciousness of the one who is triggering to be free of their mission, and this allows them the opportunity, should they choose it, on another plane of dimensional consciousness where they also exist, to be freed into their next assignment, their next purpose.

When one chooses to let go of anger, frustration, and rage, it frees all parties involved into greater consciousness evolution."

With love and devotion,

Shauna (on behalf of Source Consciousness)

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